Class 25:Financial statement introduction Quantitative Analysis is a technique for studying a company through various quantitative and figure based statements, that gives an elaborative description of the financial performance and financial position of a firm. Doing Quantitative Analysis has been ch...
Class-24: Quantitative part of fundamental study introduction Today we are at a stage when there are more potential investment options available to us more than ever. We have low yields but safer options like Government securities and Fixed Deposits. We have passive investment options like Index Fun...
Class 23:Qualitative Aspect of Fundamental Analysis (Part -2) While most of the analysis or judgment we generally do with the quantitative approach. Whether it is runs scored by a player, total gross for a movie, followers of a celebrity, or grades of a student. We have been trained to explore the n...
Class 22:Qualitative Aspects of Fundamental Analysis. While thinking of analysis of a company, do you ever feel confused over how to evaluate new companies and emerging start-ups based on their numbers? They can't be compared to existing players, so how to evaluate them? Even when comparing large es...
Class 21:Introduction to Fundamental Analysis We analyze a sportsman performance by his numbers in the game – Either be the runs, wickets, goals, etc. We judge a celebrity by his fan following. We judge a movie by its ratings, and a YouTube video by its views and likes. We have certain standards and...