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Options Trading: (H) 6-Months Comprehensive Mentorship (हिंदी में) cover

Options Trading: (H) 6-Months Comprehensive Mentorship (हिंदी में)

Unleash the Power of Options Trading: Unlock New Opportunities, Gain Confidence, and Master the Market in Just Six Months!

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layers 3 Courses

Language: Hindi

Enrolled Learners: 292

Validity Period: 180 days

₹33500 14% OFF

₹28500 including 18% GST

Join our comprehensive 6-month mentorship program in Options Trading. Designed for both beginners and experienced traders, this program will enhance your trading skills and understanding of market dynamics.

Key Features:

1. Live Interactive Classes: Engage in 25 comprehensive live sessions every Sunday over six months, each designed to enhance your trading skills and knowledge.

2. Engaging Q&A and Discussion Sessions: Join 25 interactive discussion and Q&A sessions every Wednesday at 08:00 PM, focusing on in-depth understanding and clarification of doubts.

3. Journey from Basics to Advanced: Navigate through a structured learning pathway covering all essential concepts from basic to advanced levels in options trading.

4. Complimentary Algo Software Access: Receive one month of free access to advanced Algo software, ideal for mastering backtesting techniques.

5. Exclusive Slack Group Access: Take advantage of professional communication within our dedicated Slack group, enhancing interaction with peers and mentors.

6. Well-Prepared Written Notes: Utilize detailed written notes to supplement your learning, serving as a valuable reference throughout your trading journey.

7. Regular Monthly Assessments: Engage in monthly tests designed to consistently evaluate and enhance your understanding of trading concepts.

8. Guidance for NISM Certification: Get specialized assistance for NISM certification, a crucial step for those aiming for a career in the Derivative market.

Make the most of this opportunity to elevate your trading skills with expert guidance and a supportive learning community. Secure your spot now and take the first step towards mastering options trading!

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