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1. How to install and launch the terminal?
2. How to set market watch?
Limit - To set your own price for the trade.
Market - To trade the scrip on Market Price.
S/L - For Placing a stop-loss order.
CNC - for Delivery basis equity trade.
MIS - For all intraday trades.
NRML - For Future and options and If traded in equity will be converted into delivery if not squared off in the market hours.
1. Day: This order will be valid for the whole day.
2. IOC: This order is for immediate execution otherwise it will be automatically cancelled.
4. Where to view our placed orders?
Order Book:-
Placed orders can be viewed in order book, which is invoked through F3. The Order Book is divided into two frames:
All placed orders which have been traded can be seen in trade book dialogue. Short cut to invoke trade book is F8
Net Position:-
To Square-off:- Tick On Square-off Exact Qty to square-off for a particular position quantity-wise. If you want to square-off the % of the total number of invested shares then uncheck the box and write the % of the total invested shares you want to squared off. After writing click on the square-off option.
To Convert:- Select a position from the list and click on the Position Conversion option.
5. Bid-ask spread:-
Press F6 to open snap Quote of any particular scrip.
The left-hand side tile which is in blue colour shows the best buyers in the market in the following order (User Numbers, Quantity and Price).
The right-hand side tile which is in red colour shows the best sellers in the market in in the following order (Price, Quantity and User Numbers).
This window shows Complete Information about the stocks on real-time basis.
To check the funds available in the terminal click on “View Order / Trade Report” in the menu option available on top and select “View RMS Limits”.
This shall open a new window where the funds available can be viewed. One can also invoke the RMS limits option by pressing the short cut key – In the RMS Limits window, click on “Show All Clients” on the top left and then double click on your Client ID. This shall display the limits available on the right window.
The next title “Cash Margin Available” is the margin amount available at the beginning of the day excluding any carry forward positions. The amount transferred during the day can be seen in the “Pay In Amount” option. Margin Used is the total amount already utilized for intraday as well as carry forward trades.
The Current Margin available is the total of Cash Margin Available + Payin Amount – Margin Used + Collateral Value
7. Best Execution practices to trade in Pair -
Execution plays an important role in market-neutral strategies, especially in pair trade.
One must know, how the execution of securities should be done so that a lot of trading costs can be saved in the market.
For a pair trade to be done effectively, The trader must understand that he shall be placing both the order as best bidder and chase the prices until one of the securities get executed other one must be taken on the market price so that there will be no gap in the trading time.
Kundan Kishore