Class Doubts - Module 2 - English Batch

Economics is everywhere. Every parent in every home is an economist. They have limited resources to run the family and as per their resources, they are running it successfully. Economics is how people get their income, how they produce services using it, and how those services are consumed and distributed. Learning economics will help in understanding how the budget must be controlled to fulfill the needs of the family. 

In other words, Economics is the study of, we the people, and then analyzing the choices available to us. Economics is all about knowing society and the choices society makes on the scarce resources they have. According to Adam Smith, The Father of Economics, economics is the science of wealth that makes inquiries into the factors that determine the wealth and growth of a nation. Similarly, the economics of any country is directly related to the growth of its businesses. 

It is with this thought, that I introduced the second module of my course, “A Complete Course on Indian Stock Market” as ECONOMICS. 

The knowledge which comes under economics will help foresee things and make one intelligent enough to learn about different industries and forecast which sectors will outperform in the future. 

Module 2 contains all the topics related to Economics in very simple language. The chapters in module 2 are-

Class 13. Basics economics for investing in the stock market. 

Class 14. Understanding the Indian economy.

Class 15. Different organized sectors and their role in the Indian economy.

Class 16. Learn to map the economy with sector performance. 

Class 17. Learn how to map company alignment with sector growth. 

Class 18. Introduction to data and Excel sheet. 

Class 19. Learning essential mathematics for stock market investing. 

Class 20. Two Business tools - SWOT analysis and Porter's five forces.

The understanding of all these chapters and the economy will help you introspect that probably the next 10 years may not be similar to the past 25 years for a particular industry or a sector. The knowledge gained by these chapters will help provide clarity regarding your investments in the long run. 

If you have enrolled in my course, “A Complete Course on Indian Stock Market”, and have any doubts about any of the video classes related to module 2, then you can ask by commenting below this blog. 

Although, Zoom Link will also be sent to you. And I will regularly keep taking Live Doubt Sessions at different times to answer all your questions in Zoom live class. But still, you can also ask your questions here as well. 

One such blog has been created for each module of the course. Please make sure that you ask only module-related questions with the name of the chapter. 


Kundan Kishore 

Any Doubt Related To Module 2 Can Be Posted Here.

Kundan Kishore
Curator of " A Complete course on Indian stock Market ".