Know different organised sectors of the Indian economy

Whenever we invest in a company, do we look at the broader and extensive factors before making any decision. Do we have a birds eye view of the overall Economy, Sector and industry the company belongs to before investing in it?

Major Economic factors like Interest rate, Growth rate, Inflation and Unemployment rate have the power to change the overall dynamics of Demand for products and services ( and consequently sales and profits for the company) and also the Capital availability for the companies for future operations.

So a basic understanding of Economy and Sector in which a company exists becomes critical. But we need reliable information and data sources in order to do such Analysis. We need to find sources which can give authentic information to base our analysis on.

We have official company data available(on company's website) for company analysis and that only is more or less replicated at multiple platforms. But we need greater awareness to follow about Economy and its major sectors.

We can base our research on our individual experience. We work or run business in some industry. We have years of experience working in that industry and have knowledge about the dynamics of these industries. Similarly, we can get more information on different sectors through our peers and acquaintances working in different sectors, who have experience working in those fields.

Customer and Employee Feedback and Sector performance reports published by renowned bodies can be a good source of information for some sectors with less familiarity.

There are some official government sources also available which give comprehensive information on the Market share of sector, Strengths and challenges with the sector, Future ahead for sector and major market players in those sectors.

But do you ponder –

  • Which factors affect the industrial outlook for a sector?
  • What are some of these sources to carry on a sound analysis?
  • How to use these sources?
  • What are some factors for fast growth of an Economy?
If you want to gain insights on Industry Analysis watch the 16th class of our Stock Market Course for its better understanding so that you can make a more aware investment decision.
In order to know more and learn about trading and Investment in the Indian stock market, sign up for a complete video course by Kundan Kishore titled "A Complete Course on Indian Stock Market”.

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